DIETÉTICOS INTERSA S.A. is a passionated and committed team on natural caring about what really matters: YOUR HEALTH.
Our company has been engaged with DIETETICS, NUTRITION, PHYTOTHERAPY and AROMATHERAPY field for the last 40 years.
Driven by our aim of being a company based on DEVELOPMENT and INNOVATION, we created DIETÉTICOS INTERSA S.A. more than 40 years ago.
Our purpose has always been contribute to improving the quality of life and gain an increased understanding of the human body needs.
This knowledge allows us to complement micro-nutritional and phyto-nutritional in special situations, thereby contributing to improve people’s health from a perspective of prevention and within a global and holistic concept, where food supplements tie in with the approaches of health, nutrition and lifestyle.
We bet on youth group synergy and on our acquired experience during the last years.
Our team is comprised of 77 professionals.
Innovation and Efficiency
Fundamental premise in order to offer the best and adapt to the market year after year.
Cutting-edge solutions on behalf health. We count on our innovation and search capacity for meeting the new market requirements and needs.
How we do it?
We use synergies for natural world and product’s elaboration


Raw materials

What makes us different?
Commited with human & nature health
40 years identifying health needs and providing solutions, which are based on natural remedies including apitherapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy, oligotherapy and phytonutrients; always addapted on alkaline diet, which is founded on mediterranean diet principles merging with macrobiotic and energetic diet, having much to contribute to our occidental society.
Counseling how to lead a healthy lifestyle, instructing how to start a natural life, giving tips on the practical steps to take and how to remain on this. Sharing and spreading the latest scientific advances regarding how can natural active ingredients help us prevent and keep an optimum health.

Holistic aspect
All our complements and tips are aimed at improving health in global or holistic way, including terms of physical, psychological and emotional human health.
For every need
We adapt to our world & planet needs. R+D+i Project is alive, in movement, exploring and always attending new needs. Always thinking about how we can help more effectively.
Wishing and acting to provide improved well-being to everybody, to our customers, friends, uniting and collaborating. Supplying essential, effective tools in order to strengthen your health.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
HACCP is a preventative food safety system in which every step in the manufacture, storage and distribution of a food product is scientifically analyzed for microbiological, physical and chemical hazards.
Organic Guarantee
Organic certification guarantees that the products have been produced or elaborated by following the rules of organic farming and that they have been supervised throughout their production, elaboration, packaging and marketing process.
Ecocert is the first certification body to develop standards for "natural and organic cosmetics".INTERSA GUARANTEE
Bio certified products
Certifications that support the quality of our products.
Dietéticos Intersa has always ensured the quality of its products from their origin, paying special attention at plant farming and their harvest, as well as reception, transformation, packaging and marketing through a Food Safety management system.
Cutting-edge solutions on behalf health
We count on our innovation and search capacity for meeting the new market requirements and needs. Our products are developed internally after an assesement of consumer needs.